

It is a well known fact that top technology specialists are hard to come by. We offer a unique support model where we provide on site support of existing trading solutions at Buy and Sell side firms. These can be front office or back office.


We currently have the following two sites in Sydney, Australia, where we provide such services:

  • Support of numerous Margin Lending related systems at a leading financial organisation
  • Supporting a reconciliations platform at a leading hedge fund



Contact Us now and we will be in touch shortly to say hi and have a friendly chat to discuss how our services can help you. You can carry on reading or open our brochure here


1 Active + 1 Backup FTE

We source and charge one full time employee (1 FTE) to our clients, however, 2 FTE's are trained on your systems and then rotated to build knowledge and provide backup.


Knowledge transfer

Our staff are highly motivated individuals who will take initiative and transfer knowledge.


Taking ownership and following up

These are our guiding principles and ensure that no support issues are ignored and tasks are tracked and followed up to their logical conclusion.


Rigorous issue and task management

PAC-INVEST use industry leading issue and task tracking software to ensure that a smooth transitioning is maintained between personnel rotating. It also implies that all activities are tracked appropriately.


Keeping staff motivated

A classic lack of motivation usually plagues the support staff. This is not the case with our employees. By rotation and internal project work, we ensure that our people are always working on something exciting - and they are always committed to help solve the client issues.


On site and with direct reporting to client

Our personnel work on site with the client. They report directly to the client IT or Business, within the set confines of the agreement between PAC-INVEST and the client.


Contact Us now and we will be in touch shortly to say hi and have a friendly chat to discuss how our services can help you.

Contact Us